Re: LD_ hole (was Re: IFS hole?)

Rik Harris (
Thu, 16 Dec 1993 14:14:01 +1100

Michael Neuman <> wrote:
> > c) delete any environment varable that begins with LD_
>   Most people have said this for obvious reasons, but the ld manpage says
> that will not search anything (for suid binaries) other than the trusted
> paths for dynamically linked libraries even if LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set. Is
> this statement false? Is there a way around it? Is LD_PRELOAD_PATH documented
> anywhere? :-)

The problem is when that suid program calls any other program, keeping
privileges, the LD_* variables _are_ used. will ignore LD_* if
the effective uid is not equal to the real uid.

Rik Harris -              || Systems Programmer
+61 3 560-3265 (AH) +61 3 565-3227 (BH)                 || and Administrator
Fac. of Computing & Info.Tech., Monash Uni, Australia   || Vic. Institute of           || Forensic Pathology